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The Kibale Forest National Park lies 35km south of Fort Portal. This equatorial rainforest (lowland tropical rainforest, deciduous forest and montane forest) was recently established as a reserve, and is home to the highest concentration of primates in the world. Twelve different species have been recorded. The main attraction are the 500 Chimpanzees, which have been habituated to human visitors since 1992. On a guided forest walk, you may encounter the chimps, feeding in and on a huge figtree where they spend the day.
Compared to montane forests, the trees here grow much higher and reach incredible circumpherences. Broad roots support the giants, small streams find their way through the dense undergrowth, and once in a while, the forest opens into swampy clearings, where buffalos and antelopes graze. With its varied flora providing a plentiful habitat to many species of butterflies and birds, including Hornbills and Turacos, it is a paradise for botanists and ornithologists alike. There are almost 335 identified bird sepecies, including hoopoe, grey parrot, ant thrush, Negro finch and one particularly worth noting is the Kibale forest thrush, which is endemic to Kibale forest. There are 144 species of butterfly in the park and a diverse population of moths.


Day 1: Kampala – Kibale
Our driver/safari guide will pick you from your hotel and drive you to Kibale National Park situated in the western part of Uganda . Kibale National Park is not only the most beautiful and stunning forest in Uganda but also the most accessible of Uganda’s major rainforests. Kibale is home to a remarkable 13 primate species, including both nocturnal and primate species. The forest also boasts of having one of the highest diversity and density of primates in Africa which include the threatened Red Colobus monkey, L’Hoest monkey Blue monkey, Grey Cheeked, Velvet and the Black / White Colobus monkeys. After arrival in Fort portal town you will have a lunch break and later visit the Nyakasura where you will be able to see stalagmites and Stalactites that are locally referred to as “Amabere Ga Nyinamwiru” as well as crater lakes. Dinner and over night stay at Ndali Lodge / Primate Lodge/Mountains of the Moon/ Fort Motel.

Day 2: Chimpanzee tracking Tour & Birding Safaris in Bigodi
After an early breakfast, you will be transferred to Kanyanchu Tourist Centre for a short briefing before setting out to track chimpanzee tour closest relatives. From this tropical moist forest the chances of viewing the chimps are over 90% though it is not a guaranteed. On the walk you may see other diurnal primate species such as the threatened Red colobus monkey, black and white colobus monkey, the rare L’Hoest’s monkey, Blue monkey, Grey-cheeked mangabey, Red tailed monkey among others. Nocturnal species include Bush babies and Pottos. After having our packed lunch you will take a guided nature walk through the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary rich in a wide range of flora and fauna. Take a tour of the crater region around Ndali lodge or make agritourism visits to the tea plantation along the road if you wish. Dinner and overnight at Ndal i Lodge / Primate Lodge/Mountains of the Moon/ Fort Motel

Day 3: Tooro palace, Karambi Tombs & return to Kampala
After break fast, we shall make a visit to the Toro Palace situated atop of Kabarole hill and the Karambi tombs-the burial place for the former kings of Tooro. Return to Kampala with an enroute lunch at Mubende.

The best time to visit Uganda is late December to late February, and from June to September, as the weather at this time of year is generally dry, and warm. Temperatures average at around 25 degrees Celsius.

You should see: red-tailed monkey, diademed monkey, blue monkey, white cheeked mangabey, olive baboon, chimpanzee, black, white and red colobus, bushbuck, Harvey’s red duiker, blue duiker, Uganda kob, genet, bush pig, and African civet.
You may see: buffalo, waterbuck, hippo, warthog, and giant forest hog. Elephants have become more rare, and now are seldom seen.

Malaria area – minimize mosquito bites by wearing light, long sleeved clothing and using effective insect repellents (containing Diethyltoluamide DEET) on exposed skin. Sleep under treated mosquito netting or ensure that the doors and windows of your accommodation are screened against mosquitoes. Having a fan or air-conditioner on at night will further suppress mosquito activity. Currently, the three effective anti-malaria tablets are Mefloquine (Lariam or Mefliam), Doxycycline and Malarone (Malanil). It is still possible to contract malaria while on malaria prophylaxis. Note that Lariam may present serious side-effects – please test before you depart.

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