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Brief introduction:
Murchison is one of the largest parks in Uganda split into two parts by the famous River Nile.
As you enter the park, a view of Budongo forest, rugged terrain of the western Rift valley and; the top of Murchison falls where water cascades through a narrow gorge 45M deep forming continuous uproar with visible rainbow through the day, all make your dreams come true.
The Northern part of the park comprises of open savannah and dotted woodland that harbors a variety of animals and bird life. This is and area for game viewing and photography
A three hour launch cruise down the bottom of the falls following River Nile is special and enjoyable as visitors see hippos, crocodiles, elephant waterbucks and many water birds.

Bird watchers who love to hear and see different birds singing, swimming, eating, playing, nesting and relaxing have to take a special boat towards the associated swamps along the Albert delta and to Pakwach Bridge following the Nile .
Paraa safari lodge, Nile Safari lodge and Sambiya River lodge offer descent, classic accommodation. Budget travelers are accommodated at Red Chilli


The Safari begins from Kampala/Entebbe. Our driver/guide picks you at 8:00am from your Hotel of Residence, Drives you across several districts. A stop over is made at Masindi for snacks at Masindi Hotel. Your trip continues to Budongo forest and to the top of Murchison falls. See, feel and photograph the beauty of the spot as you relax around. If you are booked to Paraa, cross the Nile by ferry at 1:00pm or 2:00pm. A taste of evening game drive for at least one hour is a lifetime experience as you may encounter animals taking cover to avoid spots where lions are common. Return to your lodge for dinner and overnight.


Begin your day with a cup of African coffee ready for a game drive, bird watching and sight seeing across the open savannah dotted woodland and riverine vegetation along the Nile and Albert delta. Here expect to meet elephants, giraffes, buffalos, lions, leopards, waterbuck and a countless population birds, return to the lodge for breakfast and lunch. After lunch, a three hour boat trip along the Nile gives you assured chance to see the falls from the bottom angle. Hippos, crocodiles, antelopes, and aquatic birds can be seen along the shores of the River.


Wake up at 6:00am prepared to take a photograph of the African rising sun in the morning and enjoy African breakfast. Visitors booked for Paraa have to cross with the ferry back to Masindi using the same route for lunch. Return to Kampala at leisure where you are dropped to a place of your choice.


Bird watching and sight seeing along Albert Delta & Nile to look for rare shoebill, African fish eagle, Egyptian goose, Hammakok, crested crane, Pelicans, Ibis’s etc.

Sport fishing to catch the biggest Nile perch and other fish species along the Nile River .
Forest walk to see the chimps and other primates.
Relaxing from Hotel.

NOTE : It’s advisable to spend extra day(s) if need arises to enable you accomplish the above optional activities.

Depending on your available number of days and budget, its possible to extend your Itinerary to cover Kibale, Semiliki wild Reserve, Queen Elizabeth, Bwindi, Mgahinga , Rwanda , Lake Bunyonyi , Mburo, Ssese Islands and Jinga. Just send us your inquiry and Inside Uganda Tours will do it for you!

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